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ogłoszenia |55060
ostatnio dodane:
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Dysza podwójna chromowana Raytools Typ A 1,5 mm: Odwiedź naszą stronę i dobierz średnicę wpasowaną [...]
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Falcerka: Dane techniczne: Falcerka Heidelberg 4 kasety 2 noże [...]

Offset Service Plus
Velykostintynska, 7
08500 Fastov

tel. +380675096167; +380675096715


Using all their capacities to find optimal solutions for customers the employees of «Offset Service» provide support to clients at all stages beginning from start of negotiations (here we play consultative role, both for a manager and for a client) and up to start-up of equipment.

For the most informative and effective cooperation our specialists do:

  • consultation of a client about usage and recoupment of equipment;
  • co-ordination of a customer with all technical questions about equipment operation;
  • planning of premises, electric wiring, water-supply and ventilation;
  • loading and reassembling of the equipment;
  • organization of transport, assembling and starting-up of prepress, printing and finishing equipment;
  • introductory teaching of personnel (optionally).

Our efforts do not remain vain – calm clients and efficiently working equipment are the result of hard work of our specialists.
We carry out technical support on the purchased equipment.


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