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Oferujemy do sprzedaży numeratory dla maszyn typograficznych (np. Grafopress) i dla maszyn rotacyjnych ( np. Heidelberg GTO , Ryobi 500 , 52/32) . Numeratory wielopozycyjne ( np. 6-cio) , wsteczne lub postępowe , z możliwością dwu-trzy-cztero-pięcio-sześcio-siedmio-ośmio-dziewięcio-dziesięciokrotnego powtórzenia numeru różne kroje np. 3/16"Gothic , 1/2" Roman , arabskie , hebrajskie , greckie , tajskie itd , pod zamówienie z kodem kreskowym .

Plunger Type Numbering Machine Series
CL51 8digit

CL51 4digit

CL51 8digit without NO

Plunger Centre-Driven Type Numbering Machine Numbers running by the covering plunger,for small area form printing

Special Plunger type,(Stiky Plunger Numbering Machine)

CL51-B 6digit

4 X 8 Made of all of the Carbon structural steels
Metal Engraving Type Numbering Machine Series

Metal Engraving Type Numbering Machine

Heating Type Numbering Machine

Metal Engraving Type Numbering Machine;Can print numbers on various kinds of Non-quenched material by hydraulic pressure or machinery pressure.

This Split type can improve efficiency

Rotary Numbering Machine Series
CL1200 8digit

CL1100 7digit (5th-7th Zero can be dropped)

Convex Small Frame Type Numbering Machine

CL1300 8digit

CL1300-A 7digit (for printing computer report form)

CL1200 7digit

Small frame,(4digit -7digit) straight The mini distance can be 28mm, also supply set

Centre-Driven Potary Numbering Machine. Best for small area form printing,pitch of standard 7 dight can be 54.4mm

Centre-Driven Potary Numbering Machine.,for printing volume invoice

Split Narrow Frame Numbering Machine ,for printing narrow area invoice

MICR Numbering Machine, 11digit, E13B font

Convex Small Frame Type Numbering Machine,for printing volume invoice

Alphabet Numbering Machine

MICR Numbering Machine ,(E13B),36digit

Rotary Numbering Machine Fittings Series

Straight Type Adapter

Standard Ring

Standard Strike-in-Block

Standard Ring

Stangard Split double-side CAM 17”-28”

Finger Cam

Finger Cam for Hamade E47 NP

Standard Straight Type Numbering machine Fittings

Standard convex Type Numbering machine Fittings

Special-design with a Pneumatic Finger Cam 17”-28”

Mounting tool for Numbering heads

Special-design Cam for performing skip-15,skip-18,etc.

For testing numbering machine’s accurate

GTO46/52 standard Cam, double-side, one piece solid construction

Bar codes Type Numbering Machine Series

Bar codes Type Numbering Machine .Code39

For NP series Potary Roll Pringing Machine printing different type codes suchas code 39.code128,can supply 8-18digits Bar codes numbering machine

Plunger Numbering Machine

Plunger Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Type Numbering Machine

Rotary Numbering Machine

Rotary Numbering Machine

bar-code 39 numbering machine parts

bar-code 39 numbering machine parts

bar code 39 part

bar code 39 part

Numbering Machine

Numbering Machine

Rotary MICR Numbering Machine

Rotary MICR Numbering Machine
CL100,straight, 31 digit, MICR Font, backward, 18.9",
It used in MICR bank cheque print

Numbering Machines

Numbering Machines

Hot print type numbering machine

Hot print type numbering machine
1.Can print numbers and alpha in the plastic material;
2.Can use ribbon to print in Automatically

Hot print type numbering machine

Hot print type numbering machine
1.Can print numbers and alpha in the plastic material
2.Can use ribbon to print in Automatically

Metal Type Numbering Machine

Metal Type Numbering Machine
Printing digits on metal material plates

Metal Numbering Machine

Metal Numbering Machine
It prints digits on Metal plates

Rotary Type Numbering Machine

Rotary Type Numbering Machine
CL1100,straight,7digit,3/16''Gothic,backward or forward,three drop zeros ,for GTO

Rotary Type Numbering Machine

Rotary Type Numbering Machine
CL1300 flatbase straight type numbering machine

Sticky Numbering Machine

Sticky Numbering Machine
Sticky Numbering Machine Features:
1) 4 x 8 cicero, with steel body, normally with 6digits
2) Interchangeable plunger sign

Rotary Type Numbering Machine

Rotary Type Numbering Machine
1.Small fram,4digit,straight,(can reduce the distance between two impression figures,the
mini destan

Hot print type numbering machine

Hot print type numbering machine
Hot print type numbering machine, it is Automatically Pressure Printing Machine,matching the Hot printing machine use

Ring for numbering machine

Ring for numbering machine
Standard Split Ring ' Standard solid ring we also have V shape ring,for Sakurai Oliver 58 welcome to

Cam for numbering machine

Cam for numbering machine
Standard split double-side cam 10''-38''
Please tell us the size of L,H,R, and printing circumferenc

Cam for numbering machine

Cam for numbering machine
Standard split double-side cam 17''-28'' Please tell us the size of L,H,R, and printing circumferenc

Plunger Centre-Driven Type Numbering Machine

Plunger Centre-Driven Type Numbering Machine
Plunger Centre-Driven Type Numbering Machine,
numbers running by the covering plunger for small area form printing.

Rotary Numbering Machine

Rotary Numbering Machine
E13B (MICR) Numbering Machine
1): 36 digits
2): With one supporting arm
3): Can change symbol co

Numbering Machine

Sell Rotary Numbering Machine

Heating type numbering machine

Rotary MICR Numbering Machine

Rotary numbering machine

Plunger Type 4x8 numbering machine

Rotary Numbering Machine

Rotary Numbering Machine

Plunger Centre-Driven Type Numbering Machine

Numbering Machine

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