Stahlfolder TH 56, year Dec. 2005 - sprzedam
2010-07-31 09:45:52 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 1139 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
Ivan Hašek, GSM +420-603-439215, i.hasek@quick.cze-mail:
tel. [nie podano]
Stahlfolder TH 56, year Dec. 2005
Flat pile feeder FFH-56, CE conform.Kit
Modular control MCT
1st station BUH 56 cm, 6 buckle plate
High performance Kit 1. fold unit
CE kit
2nd station BUH 56 cm, 4 buckle plate
Double rear-mounted slitter shafts 2.station
High performance kit
Gearing plates
CE kit
Folder without delivery and without gluing unit but applicable for gluing
available approx. Octobe/Novemberr 2010
Machine is still in production and can be visited.
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