Roland 505 LV
2011-03-06 12:50:43 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 991 RAZY
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Dane techniczne:
RCI ink- and register remote control
Przebieg 19 mil
Color Pilot
Roland matic dampening system DELTA
Technotrans refrigeration unit
PPL - semi automatic plate changer
Automatic size- and pressure settings
All automatic washing devices
Low coverage stabilization
Central air cabinet
Coating unit with chambered doctor blade system with Anilox rollers
AirGlide delivery
Non Stop feeder and delivery
2 UV Interdeck dryer
UV -end dryer
IR dryer - with Hotair end dryer
Grafix powder spray
Elevated 480 mm
Rok produkcji:2004
Możliwość zobaczenia maszyny: tak
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