Roland 705+LV 2004
2011-08-05 13:52:59 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 874 RAZY
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Roland 705+LV
Year 2004
Series 745
5 Col. With Coater Straight
PPL (Semi Auto. Platechange)
Deltamatic Film Dampening
Tower Coater
Extended Delivery
Ductor Blade Coating System (Anilox)
IR Dryer –Seccomatic
Ink Temp. Control
Auto. Blanket Wash
Auto. Ink Roller Wash
Auto. Impression Cylinder Wash
Grafix Powder Spray
ca. 78 million Impressions
Can be inspected in Production
Available: immediately
Więcej informacji pod numerem telefonu: 600 291 525
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