CtP Agfa Galileo S
2011-10-19 07:44:03 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 931 RAZY
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CtP Agfa Galileo S
Rok 2001, ref: A
Full automatic CtP Platesetter-system with Workflow
8 Pages, Violet-Laser (410nm) (new Laser from 2 years)
Plateloader, PlateManager GAPH S23 with 4 Casettes (multiple size 650x550 - 795x105 - 800x1030), Online-Plateprocessor Lithostar PL-150, Casettte Tansporter, Stacker, Resolution : max. 2400 dpi
Including FULL Workflow (with 4 Servers HP & Dell):
- Agfa Apogee Pilote with PREPS
- Agfa PDF RIP (Dell Server)
- Agfa Apogee PrintDrive Series 3 (ServicePack #3.d)
- Agfa Satellite (HP Server)
with Licence options : Apogee PrintDrive (VLF), Satellite (High Resolution), Satellite (Proofing for ex. Plotter 4, 8 pages), Open Connect, TIFF Outpout, InkDrive
eurographica@vp.pl , tel: 794 009 800
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