offer this machines for very good prices from our warehouse
2011-12-15 14:59:08 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 894 RAZY
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Dear Friends,
we are able to offer this machines for very good prices from our warehouse.
Heidelberg 4 colour offsetpress Printmaster GTO52-4 P3
Year: 1999;
Varn Kompac III damping,
only approx. 20 mio. impressions
Price net LOT/container: EUR 59.900
Polar paper cutting machine 92 E
Year: 1999;
Chromed air table, side tables
Price net LOT/container: EUR 10.900
Ryobi 522PFH
Good condition, still in production
Year: 1993;
Price net LOT/container: EUR 15 000
Stahl folding machine Ti 52 ProLine
Year: 2000;
Flat pile feeder FI 52, Tremat, 4 pockets,cross fold unit KBK 52, delivery SA, noise hoods
Price net LOT/container: EUR 19.900,
Bourg automatic booklet maker BDF
Year: 1999/2000;
1 air tower BST 10, 1 air tower BST 10a,
Hohner stitching heads, jogger type T,
Price net LOT/container: EUR 14.900,
Delivery-time:short time,subject to prior sale; Pictures available;
Garcia Colores Produtto
Avenida Suecia, Parcelas 12
Parque Industrial Alhama de Murcia
30840 Alhama de Murcia
Murcia - SPAIN
Tel: +34 962 32 64 98
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