2012-05-15 13:20:31 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 908 RAZY
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2006/05 HEIDELBERG CD 74-5+P3-LX-C,
Ref: C , 53 x 74, S/N 451122, 100 mln.kopii
Speed 15.000 c/h, Tickness material 0,030 to 0,8 mm (0,7 mm in perfecting)
Automatic perfecting device 2/3; 5/0
CP 2000 touch screen consolle, Autoplate : semiautomatic plate change,Preset (Automatic size device),Steel plate on feeder , ZMK electronic side lays control, Electronic double sheet control, Multiple sheet detector,ELTEX Antistatic on feeder/delivery, Alcolor VARIO SYSTEM damping,COMBISTAR : Tecnotrans ink temp control combined with damping efrigeration + Alcosmart, Double diameter impression cylinder, Couble diameter transfer cylinder between printing units, with air transfer with possibility to adjust automatically it based on thickness of material to print Roller wash up device controlled by CP2000 Blanket and impression cylinders automatic washing devices by CP 2000 Perfect-Jacket Chromed transfert jackets on transfert cylinders VARNISHING UNIT WITH CHAMBERED DOCTOR BLADE SYSTEM IR+HOT/COLD Knives DryStar dryers X2 EXTENDED DELIVERY Weko PowderStar AP232 Steel plate in delivery AIRSTAR : central air box water cooled SCROLLSTAR: Atlas Copco compressor .Dostępna: 06/12 , w produkcji
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