Heidelberg SupraSetter A74 ATL
2012-08-08 09:56:37 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 928 RAZY
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Heidelberg SupraSetter A74 ATL,
Rok 2008
Ref. A, CtP Thermal 4-up, Tylko ca. 29,500 płyt , jak nowy, ok. 1.220 godzin
Wyposażony w:
- CtP Thermal Automatic with feeder cassette ATL (Auto Top Loader) with 2 cassettes
- Bacher 425 mm internal punching system
- Intelligent diodes System (IDS)
- Online Gum Washers unit Agfa Azura C95, Year 2008
- Stacker
- Workslow Heidelberg PrintReady (Licence & Dongles), including :
. PrePress Manager
. Prinect MetaDimension 74i Version 7.5.5
. RIP-Station Dell PowerEdge 2900 Server with Flat Screen 17"
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