Sale Topsetter P102 14800 EUR
2012-08-31 10:51:00 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 971 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
Stephan Swane-mail:
tel. [nie podano]
Heidelberg Topsetter P 102 Thermal CTP YOM 2003
and Multicassetten Autoloader YOM 2004 optional (not included in this offer) Heidelberg Prinect MetaDimension 2011 and
Heidelberg Prinect PrintReady 2011 mit Cockpit and SignaStation
This are original photos. The machine is ready for shipment.
Min. Plate format: 400 x 500
Max. Plate format: 940 x 1160 mm
Productivity: up to 11 plates/h
Produced until now: approx. Ca. 96.000 plates
Price 14800 EUR
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Sale Topsetter P102 14800 EUR
2012-08-31 10:51:00 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 193 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
Stephan Swan Heidelberg Topsetter P 102 Thermal CTP YOM 2002
and Multicassetten Autoloader YOM 2004 optional (not included in this offer) Heidelberg Prinect MetaDimension 2011 and
Heidelberg Prinect PrintReady 2011 mit Cockpit and SignaStation
This are original photos. The machine is ready for shipment.
Min. Plate format: 400 x 500
Max. Plate format: 940 x 1160 mm
Productivity: up to 11 plates/h
Price ???
2014-09-05 23:46 | IP: