Heidelberg SM 74-5 P, 2001
2012-11-14 22:04:32 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 832 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
APEX Polska - Graphic Machinerye-mail:
tel. [nie podano]
Heidelberg SM 74 5P
Year of man.2001
s/n 625823
perfecting unit 2 and 3 (druk 1+4; 2+3; 5+0)
perfector type: semi-automatic
Impr.139 mil
Perfect Jackets
standard stream feeder
dampening solution circulation - combination unit
combination device air cooled
inking unit program controled wash up device
blanket wash up device
blanket cylinder normal surface
non-stop deliwery with rack
delivery normal (X0)
High pile delivery
powder spryer Exactronic
Eltex antistatic device
Ionizing bar in the feeder
2 neutralizer blowers in the feeder
ionizer in the delivery
air supply cabiner, air cooled
in production
Available October/November 2012
Zdjęcia oraz cena na zapytanie.
Tel. 533 534 590
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