Heidelberg SM 74 -8-P5+L, 2004
2013-01-29 13:54:14 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 804 RAZY
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APEX Polska - Graphic Machinerye-mail:
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Heidelberg SM 74-8-P5+L
Year of man.2004
CP 2000
Impr.188 mil
Preset Plus feeder ultrasonic double sheet control system and suckers for thin papers
Sheet deionization Eltex
Ink unit temperature control
Wash up all
Dampening Alcolor Vario
Technotrans Refrig/Recirc
Powder spryer Weko
IR Dryer
Available immediately
Zdjęcia oraz cena na zapytanie.
Tel. 533 534 590
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