KBA RA105-5+L PWHA, 2004
2013-04-23 10:44:46 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 830 RAZY
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APEX Polska - Graphic Machinerye-mail:
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Rapida 105-5 + L, High Version, with CX and extended delivery ALV2, 2004.
The machine is equiped with CX device for cardboard up to 1,2 mm.
Oryginal raised 375 mm. Extended delivery 2600 mm.
Ink and wash rollers has been changed 3 months ago.
Impr. count.129 mil.
Varnish tower Harris & Bruno with pneumatic form fixing
Tempering Baldwin, hot air dryer and IR Grafix, powder Weko,
Varnish tower Harris & Bruno with pneumatic form fixing.
Powder exhaust Grafix, de-ionizing Kersten, semi-automatic plate fixing,
motorized operator console Colortronic with sensor screen 17".
Zdjęcia oraz cena na zapytanie.
Tel. 533 534 590
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