Roland 704 3b P, 2000 - sprzedam
2013-06-20 04:49:22 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 811 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
Ing. Ivan Hašek, Cell +420-603-439215e-mail:
tel. [nie podano]
Roland 704 3b P
machine age 2000/11
counter approx. 140mio.
With RCI 2 remote control for register and INK
Dampening ROLANDMATIC delta system
Technotrans Refrigeration & Recirculation Beta d
BECKER VAS (Vai Air System)
APL (full automatic plate change)
full automated for perfecting (P)
Auto washing device for Blanket/Ink/Printing cylinders
AIR glade delivery - LCS - QUICKSTART
Ink temperatur control GRAPHO METRONIC
Antistatic device in feeder and delivery
No stop system in feeder and delivery
Powder Spray GRAFIX - High Pile Delivery
Plate size 80x104x0,30 - Print size 73x103 straight
Free now - Machine complete
Machine under power for any inspetion
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