Heidelbarg CD 102-5+L 2000rok
2016-03-04 17:56:14 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 242 RAZY
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1 HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 + LX, 72 x 102 cm, age 2000
mil. copies: 151
with following equipment:
Speed 15.000 c/h
Elevated machine 500 mm
CP 2000 touch screen consolle
CP 2000 MasterLever licence sofware
Autoplate PLUS: Automatic plate chang
Preset (Automatic size device)
Steel plate on feeder
Non stop feeder
N.ro 2 Eltex ion blowers on feeder
Eltex antistatic in feeder
ZMK electronic side lays control
Alcolor VARIO SYSTEM damping
COMBISTAR : Tecnotrans ink temp control combined
with damping refrigeration + Alcosmart
Roller wash up device controlled by CP2000
MODULAR blanket cylinder washing device by CP2000
WASHSTAR : automatic cleaning of catch pans
MODULAR impression cylinder washing device by CP2000
Air transfer System Venturi
Inking unit with remote distributor-roller adjustment
IR/DryStar 2000 (Version 2) N.ro 2 water cooling IR/Dryers
with hot knives
Grafix Exactronic Duo Plus powder spray
CLEAN STAR : powder exhauster in delivery
Non-stop delivery rake
UV Package preparation in delivery
Eltex ionizing blowers in delivery
Steel plate in delivery
AIRSTAR PRO: central air box water cooled
SCROLLSTAR: Atlas Copco compressor
Maszyna bardzo zadbana !!
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