2016-03-07 07:17:39 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 260 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
Josef Gottvalde-mail:
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Dane techniczne: Description:
- Four colours size 52x74 cms; Straight machine; Gray model.
- Year 1991, Ser.: 255, Nr.: 22697B;
- 58 Millions impressions;
- Rolandmatic dampening with Edelman recirculation system;
- Remote table RCI 2: Inck, registers, tape recorder,
- Quick clamps - Bacher 425;
- Electronic side lays control;
- Antistatic Device in Feeder;
- IR dryer;
- Powder spray Weko;
- Chromed impression cylinders;
- Plate punch
- Complete with all manuals, tools and parts.
In excellent optical and technical condition!
No dammage / repair marks on the cylinders.
In production, any print test possible, available immediately.
Rok produkcji:1991
Stan techniczny (w skali 1-10): 10
Cena: 59 000 EURO CIF
Możliwość zobaczenia maszyny: tak
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