KBA Performa 66-4, 2007
2016-08-07 11:02:53 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 326 RAZY
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Ing. Ivan Hašek, Cell: +420-603-439215e-mail:
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KBA Performa 66-4, 2007
Size: A2 (660x485 mm), ca. 30 mil. impressions only!, high pile delivery, compressor BECKER, compressor ORLÍK, 2-system feeding head, divided ink knives, touch screen GrafiControl – remote control of registers and ink knives, SUPER BLUE through the whole machine, suction feeder, double sheet control, cocking, alcohol system with refrigerator TECHNOTRANS, powdering unit KBA, IR dryer, oblique cogged wheel, central greasing, very good condition!
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