ROLAND 504 OB + LV year 2007
2017-06-28 16:57:44 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 293 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
Dušan GottvaldKrasová
67906 Jedovnice
tel. 00420777871966
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Dane techniczne: 4 colors coater
119 mil imp
Max. Format : 530 x 740 mm
Min. Format : 260 x 400 mm
RCI Remote control inking
PPL Power plate loading
Auto format setting
Remote register (lateral, circunferential and diagonal)
Roland Deltamatic Dampening
Technotrans alpha d refrigeration unit
Automatic ink roller wash
Automatic blanket wash
Automatic impression cylinder wash
Double sized impression cylinders
Coating Unit with anilox roller
Extra anilox roller
I.R. dryer
Extended delivery
Machine in production in Europe, available end of March
Rok produkcji: 2007
Stan techniczny (w skali 1-10): 10
Cena:185000 euro
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