KBA RAPIDA 75-4 +LAK rok 2008
2019-11-28 09:21:41 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 245 RAZY
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Dane techniczne: Machine with: Graficontrol, with 23 positions, DIP3/Jdf, Oprea Desni Tronic, with Camera controle, Lacquering with Kammerakel Haris Bruno, incl pump, Dryer Grafix, 2e raster-roll, Grafix powder unit, Central air.
Inkline ink supply, Ink temperation incl Technotrans Combi, Fluidosa2, Alco-controle, Litec Water management. In 2013 is this machine by KBA update to he latest version Feeder and delivery.
End 2018 is get this machine an general revision ( new grippers etc)
Extra Options: Rolls on vacuum table, Simco Ionisation on feeder and delivery.
Rok produkcji: 2008
Stan techniczny (w skali 1-10): 9
Cena: dohodou
Możliwość zobaczenia maszyny: tak
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