KBA PERFORMA 74-4 year 2008
2021-09-22 18:34:27 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 251 RAZY
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Dušan GottvaldKrasová
67906 Jedovnice
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Dane techniczne:
Manufacturer: KBA-GRAFITEC
Model: Performa 74-4
Instructions: 38 178 851 cycles
Year of production: 2008
Technical parameters
- 4 colors,
- Remote control of inkwells, registries,
- Automatic inserting of discs,
- Automatic paint roller washing,
Description of operation
maximum paper dimensions of 740mm x 530mm.
Rok produkcji: 2008
Stan techniczny (w skali 1-10): 9
Możliwość zobaczenia maszyny: ano
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