KOMORI GL-840 P H-UV 2014
2022-03-24 12:11:47 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 139 RAZY
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Specification of GL-840 P H-UV machine:
8-color sheetfed machine
year of production 2014,
mileage 96 miles.
Max. Sheet format - 720x1030mm
Max. Print area:
- one-sided printing - 710x1020mm
- two-sided printing - 700x1020mm
Printing substrate thickness range - 0.06 - 0.6 mm
Max Print Speed:
- one-sided printing - 15,000 sheets / hour
- two-sided printing - 15,000 sheets / hour
The minimum printing speed - 3,000 sheets / hour
Stack Height:
Feeder -1450 mm
Delivery - 1380 mm
PQC-S quality remote control system
-Remote control of inking
-Remote humidification control
-Remote register control
Longitudinal (+/- 2mm)
Transverse (+/- 3mm)
Diagonal transfer cylinder (+/- 0.2mm)
-Remote control of mowing cylinder A -in input (+/- 0.3mm)
- Remote control trapezoidal sheet stretching - at the input (0-0.6mm)
Komori Management System - KMS4 machine monitoring system
Advanced, self-adaptive system for quick inking, dying and automatic control of printing parameters - Komori KHS-AI
PQA-S - double-sided sheet inspection
In-line color control system
PDC-SX spectrophotometric reference control integrated in the PQC control panel
Automatic washing of the inking unit
Automatic washing of blankets and cylinders (Baldwin Impact)
Automatic impression cylinder washing (Baldwin Impact)
Disc register preset
Preset format and thickness of the substrate
Air preset
Pressure cylinders with double diameter
Double diameter transfer cylinders
AF-APC - fully asynchronous automatic plate change without bending
Fine adjustment of the ink supply (500 steps of the ink bottle screw opening)
KOMORIMATIC humidification unit
Ultrasonic double sheet inspection (Ultrasonic)
Electronic meter control
Cooling system for dampening solution and ink thinners (Baldwin Combiliner)
H-UV drying system
AM Machinery
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