KOENIG BAUER RA-76/5 L, 2021 (n°72814)
2025-03-06 13:20:55 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 29 RAZY
Skontaktuj się z ogłoszeniodawcą:
COCI Poland Sp. z o.o.Annopol 20
03-236 Warszawa
województwo mazowieckie
tel. 512811082
więcej danych »
Dane techniczne: KOENIG BAUER RA-76/5 L, 2021 (n°72814)
Rok produkcji: 2021
Stan techniczny (w skali 1-10): 10
Cena: proszę pisać:
tomasz.@coci-sa.pl tel 512811082
Możliwość zobaczenia maszyny: TAK
KBA Rapida RA 76/5+L ALV2
Imp: 35
Logotronic cockpit with Wallscreen
Logotronic including CIP3 converter
Qualitronic ColorControl
ErgoTronic ColorDrive
DriveTronic SIS
Fully automatic plate changer FAPC
Ink unit temperature control with high-tech cooling combination 'alpha.c' (Technotrans)
water cooling for refrigeration unit and air supply cabinet (Technotrans)
CleanTronic Synchro (all washers)
coater with chamber doctor blade and anilox
paint supply and cleaning system (Harris - Bruno)
extended delivery 2
IR/HA dryer VariDry Blue
Grafix Powdermax 76 CD powder device
additional package CX in standard format 53x75
additional package for thin print
additional package Antistatic Advanced (Kersten)
Performance package including
- PressWatch
- SpeedWatch
- default reports
- Press Production Report
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