HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 1999
2012-04-13 08:48:12 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 811 RAZY
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1999/12 HEIDELBERG CD 102-5, 72 x 102, S/N 542175, 45 Mln. kopii
Predkość 15.000 c/h
CP 2000 touch screen consolle
CP 2000 MasterLever licence sofware
Preset Link
Autoplate : semiautomatic plate change
Steel plate on feeder
N.ro 2 Eltex ion blowers on feeder
Electronic double sheet control
ZMK electronic side lays control
Alcolor damping
Tecnotrans cabin cooling and circulation with automix device
Technotrans ink temperature control
Air Transfer System Venturi
Inking unit with remote distributor-roller adjustment
Roller wash up device controlled by CP2000
MODULAR blanket cylinder washing device by CP2000
Impression cylinder washing device by CP2000
Grafix Exactronic Duo Plus powder spray
Antistatic device in delivery ELTEX
Non stop delivery
Steel plate in delivery
Air supply cabinet
Atlas Copco compressor
Stan maszyny : Prawie nowa maszyna!
Dostępność: natychmiast
Maszyna w produkcji
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