2012-04-13 08:50:20 | IP: | PRZECZYTANO 823 RAZY
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2003/07 HEIDELBERG SM 102-5P3, 72 x 102, S/N 545493, 89 Mln. kopii
Semi-automatic perfecting device 2/3; 5/0
CP 2000 Center: touch screen consolle version s/w 038.1
CP 2000 MasterLever licence sofware
Autoplate : semiautomatic plate change
PRESET PLUS FEEDER : Suction belt feeder with 3 sections of transport of sheets to the frontal registers
Steel plate on feeder
Non stop feeder
Ultrasonic sensor double-sheet control
Electromechanic pull lay control to adjust all the wheels feeder
Ultrasonic double-sheet control
Pneumatic side register control with integrated auto cleaning and double shee control with direct system
SLOW DOWN : system to slow the sheet down then 65% on feeder
N.ro 2 Eltex ion blowers on feeder
Alcolor damping
COMBISTAR : Tecnotrans ink temp control combined with damping refrigeration + Alcosmart
Roller wash up device controlled by CP2000
Blanket cylinders automatic washing devices by CP2000
TANDEM CONCEPT SYSTEM : impression cylinder automatic washing device by CP2000
Inking unit with remote distributor-roller adjustment
Grafix Exactronic Duo Plus powder spray
Intercom system: Microphone communication
Non stop delivery
Steel plate in delivery
AIRSTAR : central air box air cooled
SCROLLSTAR: Atlas Copco compressor
Stan maszyny: znakomity – właśnie zostały zmienione rolki
Dostępność: natychmiast
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